Example of Cell-Hashing and CITE-Seq Analysis on Cloud

In this example, you’ll learn how to perform Cell-Hashing and CITE-Seq analysis using cumulus on Terra.

0. Workspace and Data Preparation

After registering on Terra and creating a workspace there, you’ll need the following two information:

  • Terra workspace name. This is shown on your Terra workspace webpage, with format “<workspace-namespace>/<workspace-name>”. Let it be ws-lab/ws-01 in this example, which means that your workspace has namespace ws-lab and name ws-01.
  • The corresponding Google Cloud Bucket location of your workspace. You can check it by clicking the link under “Google Bucket” title on your Terra workspace webpage. Let it be gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 in this example.

Then upload your BCL directories to Google bucket of your workspace using gsutil:

gsutil -m cp -r /my-local-path/BCL/* gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/data-source

where option -m means copy in parallel, -r means copy the directory recursively, /my-local-path/BCL is the path to the top-level directory of your BCL files on your local machine, and data-source is the folder on Google bucket to hold the uploaded data.

1. Extract Gene-Count Matrices

First step is to extract gene-count matrices from sequencing output.

You need two original files from your dataset to start:

  • Cell-Hashing Index CSV file, say its filename is cell_hashing_index.csv, of format “feature_barcode,feature_name”. See an example below:

    ... ...

    where each line is a pair of feature barcode and feature name of a sample.

  • CITE-Seq Index CSV file, say its filename is cite_seq_index.csv, of the same format as above. See an example below:

    ... ...

    where each line is a pair of Barcode and Specificity of an Antibody.

Then upload them to your Google Bucket using gsutil. Assuming both files are in folder /Users/foo/data-source on your local machine, type the following command to upload:

gsutil -m cp -r /Users/foo/data-source gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/data-source

where gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/data-source is your working directory at cloud side, which can be changed at your will.

Next, create a sample sheet, cellranger_sample_sheet.csv, for Cell Ranger processing. Below is an example:


For the details on how to prepare this sample sheet, please refer to Step 3 of Cell Ranger sample sheet instruction.

When you are done with the sample sheet, upload it to Google bucket:

gsutil cp cellranger_sample_sheet.csv gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/

Now we are ready to set up cellranger_workflow workflow for this phase. If your workspace doesn’t have this workflow, import it to your workspace by following cellranger_workflow import instructions.

Then prepare a JSON file, cellranger_inputs.json, which is used to set up the workflow inputs:

        "cellranger_workflow.input_csv_file" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/cellranger_sample_sheet.csv",
        "cellranger_workflow.output_directory" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir"

where gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir is the remote directory in which the output of cellranger_workflow will be generated. For the details on the options above, please refer to Cell Ranger workflow inputs.

When you are done with the JSON file, on cellranger_workflow workflow page, upload cellranger_inputs.json by clicking upload json link as below:


Then Click SAVE button to save the inputs, and click RUN ANALYSIS button as below to start the job:


When the execution is done, all the output results will be in folder gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir.

You’ll need 4 files for the next phases. 3 are from the output:

  • RNA count matrix of the sample group of interest: gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/sample_cc/raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5;
  • Cell-Hashing Antibody count matrix: gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/sample_cell_hashing/sample_cell_hashing.csv;
  • CITE-Seq Antibody count matrix: gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/sample_cite_seq/sample_cite_seq.csv.

Besides, create a sample sheet, citeseq_antibody_control.csv, with content as the following example:

... ...

where each line is a pair of Antibody name and the Control group name to which it is assigned. You should be able to get this information from your experiment setting or the original dataset.

Copy or upload them to gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir.

2. Demultiplex Cell-Hashing Data

  1. Prepare a sample sheet, demultiplex_sample_sheet.csv, with the following content:


    where OUTNAME specifies the subfolder and file names of output, which is free to change, RNA and TagFile columns specify the RNA and hashing tag meta-data of samples, and TYPE is cell-hashing for this phase.

    Then upload it to Google bucket:

    gsutil cp demultiplex_sample_sheet.csv gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/
  2. If your workspace doesn’t have demultiplexing workflow, import it to your workspace by following Step 2 of demultiplexing workflow preparation instructions.

  3. Prepare an input JSON file, demultiplex_inputs.json with the following content to set up cumulus_hashing_cite_seq workflow inputs:

            "demultiplexing.input_sample_sheet" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/demultiplex_sample_sheet.csv",
            "demultiplexing.output_directory" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/"

    For the details on these options, please refer to demultiplexing workflow inputs.

  4. On the page of cumulus_hashing_cite_seq workflow, upload demultiplex_inputs.json by clicking upload json link. Save the inputs, and click RUN ANALYSIS button to start the job.

When the execution is done, you’ll get a processed file, exp_demux.zarr, stored on cloud gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/exp/.

3. Merge RNA and ADT Matrices for CITE-Seq Data

  1. Prepare a sample sheet, cite_seq_sample_sheet.csv, with the following content:


    The structure of sample sheet here is the same as Phase 2. The difference is that you are now using the demultiplexed output h5sc file from Phase 2 as RNA here.

    Then upload it to Google bucket:

    gsutil cp cite_seq_sample_sheet.csv gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/
  2. Prepare an input JSON file, cite_seq_inputs.json, in the same directory as above, with the following content:

            "cumulus_cite_seq.input_sample_sheet" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/cite_seq_sample_sheet.csv",
            "cumulus_cite_seq.output_directory" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/",
            "cumulus_cite_seq.antibody_control_csv" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/citeseq_antibody_control.csv"

    For the details on these options, please refer to cumulus_cite_seq workflow inputs.

  3. On cumulus_cite_seq workflow page, clear all previous inputs, and then upload cite_seq_inputs.json by clicking upload json link. Save the new inputs, and click RUN ANALYSIS button to start the job.

When the execution is done, you’ll get a merged raw matrices file, exp_raw.zarr, stored on cloud gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/exp_raw.

4. Data Analysis

  1. Prepare a sample sheet, cumulus_count_matrix.csv, with the following content:


    This sample sheet describes the metadata for each 10x channel (as one row in the sheet). Sample specifies the name for each channel, which can be renamed; Location specifies the file location, which is the output of Phase 3.

    Then upload it to Google bucket:

    gsutil cp cumulus_count_matrix.csv gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/

    Alternative, if you have only one count matrix for analysis, which is the case here, you can skip this step. See this manual for input file formats that cumulus currently supports.

  2. If your workspace doesn’t have cumulus workflow, import it to your workspace by following Step 2 and 3 of cumulus documentation.

  3. Prepare a JSON file, cumulus_inputs.json with the following content to set up cumulus workflow inputs:

            "cumulus.input_file" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/cumulus_count_matrix.csv",
            "cumulus.output_directory" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/results",
            "cumulus.output_name" : "exp_merged_out",
            "cumulus.num_cpu" : 8,
            "cumulus.select_only_singlets" : true,
            "cumulus.cite_seq" : true,
            "cumulus.run_louvain" : true,
            "cumulus.find_markers_lightgbm" : true,
            "cumulus.remove_ribo" : true,
            "cumulus.mwu" : true,
            "cumulus.annotate_cluster" : true,
            "cumulus.plot_fitsne" : "louvain_labels,assignment",
            "cumulus.plot_citeseq_fitsne" : "louvain_labels,assignment",
            "cumulus.plot_composition" : "louvain_labels:assignment"

    Alternatively, if you have only one count matrix for analysis and has skipped Step 1, directly set its location in cumulus.input_file parameter above. For this example, it is:

            "cumulus.input_file" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/exp_raw/exp_raw.zarr",
            ... ...

    All the rest parameters remain the same.

    Notice that for some file formats, cumulus.genome is required.

    A typical cumulus pipeline consists of 4 steps, which is given here. For the details of options above, please refer to cumulus inputs.

  4. On the page of cumulus workflow, upload cumulus_inputs.json by clicking upload json link. Save the inputs, and click RUN ANALYSIS button to start the job.

When the execution is done, you’ll get the following results stored on cloud gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/results/exp_merged_out/ to check:

  • exp_merged_out.zarr: The aggregated count matrix data. This file doesn’t exist if your cumulus.input_file parameter is not a sample sheet.
  • exp_merged_out.h5ad: The processed RNA matrix data.
  • exp_merged_out.filt.xlsx: The Quality-Control (QC) summary of the raw data.
  • exp_merged_out.filt.{UMI, gene, mito}.pdf: The QC plots of the raw data.
  • exp_merged_out.de.xlsx: Differential Expression analysis result.
  • exp_merged_out.markers.xlsx: Result on cluster-specific markers predicted by gradient boosting machine.
  • exp_merged_out.anno.txt: Cell type annotation output.
  • exp_merged_out.fitsne.pdf: FIt-SNE plot.
  • exp_merged_out.citeseq.fitsne.pdf: CITE-Seq FIt-SNE plot.
  • exp_merged_out.louvain_labels.assignment.composition.pdf: Composition plot.

You can directly go to your Google Bucket to view or download these results.

(optional) Run Terra Workflows in Command Line

For Phase 1, 2, and 3, besides uploading sample sheets and setting-up workflow inputs on workflow pages, you can also start the workflow execution via command line using altocumulus tool.

First, install altocumulus by following altocumulus installation instruction.

  1. For Phase 1 above, when you are done with creating a sample sheet cellranger_sample_sheet.csv on your local machine, in the same directory, prepare JSON file cellranger_inputs.json as below:

            "cellranger_workflow.input_csv_file" : "cellranger_sample_sheet.csv",
            ... ...

    where all the rest parameters remain the same as in Phase 1. Import cellranger_workflow workflow to your workspace as usual.

    Now run the following command in the same directory on your local machine:

    alto run -m cumulus/cellranger_workflow -w ws-lab/ws-01 --bucket-folder my-dir -i cellranger_input.json -o cellranger_input_updated.json

    Notice that if the execution failed, you could rerun the execution by setting cellranger_input_updated.json for -i option to use the sample sheet already uploaded to Google bucket. Similarly below.

  2. For Phase 2 above, similarly, in the same directory of your demultiplex_sample_sheet.csv file, prepare JSON file demultiplex_inputs.json as below:

            "demultiplexing.input_sample_sheet" : "demultiplex_sample_sheet.csv",
            ... ...

    where all the rest parameters remain the same as in Phase 2. Import demultiplexing workflow to your workspace as usual.

    Run the following command in the same directory on your local machine:

    alto run -m cumulus/demultiplexing -w ws-lab/ws-01 --bucket-folder my-dir -i demultiplex_inputs.json -o demultiplex_inputs_updated.json
  3. For Phase 3 above, similarly, in the same directory of your cite_seq_sample_sheet.csv file, prepare JSON file cite_seq_inputs.json as below:

            "cumulus_cite_seq.input_sample_sheet" : "cite_seq_sample_sheet.csv",
            ... ...

    where all the rest parameters remain the same as in Phase 3. Import cumulus_cite_seq workflow to your workspace as usual.

    Run the following command in the same directory on your local machine:

    alto run -m cumulus/cumulus_cite_seq -w ws-lab/ws-01 --bucket-folder my-dir -i cite_seq_inputs.json -o cite_seq_inputs_updated.json
  4. For Phase 4 above, similarly, in the same directory of your cumulus_count_matrix.csv file, prepare JSON file cumulus_inputs.json as below:

            "cumulus.input_file" : "cumulus_count_matrix.csv",
            ... ...

    where all the rest parameters remain the same as in Phase 4.

    Alternatively, if your input is not a sample sheet, simply set your cumulus_inputs.json as:

            "cumulus.input_file" : "gs://fc-e0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/my-dir/exp_raw/exp_raw.zarr",
            ... ...

    where all the rest parameters remain the same. Import cumulus workflow to your workspace as usual.

    Run the following command in the same directory of your cumulus_inputs.json file:

    alto run -m cumulus/cumulus -w ws-lab/ws-01 --bucket-folder my-dir/results -i cumulus_inputs.json -o cumulus_inputs_updated.json